The Autobiography of God – Lenaa Kumar – Book Review

Actress Lenaa is a popular name in Malayalam cinema. Over the years, she has carved a name for herself as an astute actor assaying a wide variety of roles. A fantastic cinematic debut as a young lead, hibernation, return via Asianet Television, awards for her TV role, and then again working with the superstars of Malayalam cinema, it has been a roller-coaster ride.

There’s another side to her. She has been a state topper in her field of study, a gold-winner in college, and was admitted to the psychiatric ward of a hospital after an incident. In this book that serves more as a diary of thoughts. Lenaa bravely recounts her journey, love, broken hearts, friendship, descent into darkness, and how she pled herself together against all odds to be at a better place emotionally and physically.

Image from the Penguin Randomhouse India Website

Often, we think that the celebrities we on screen lead a charmed life. It could be possible, but they too are human. Lenaa in this book offers a deep understanding of human nature, consciousness, and super-consciousness. There are references to great thinkers, philosophers, and sages. She says meeting Mohanlal who recommended her a book by Osho “The Book of Secrets” was a turning point in her life.

The book is not a solution for your psychological problems. It is a honest portrayal of what the author went through and how she put herself on a track to healing.

A chance spotting on a shelf at Bookworm store. It seems this book was published earlier by an independent publisher and now a leading international publishing house is re-issuing copies with a new cover and in a compact format.

Highly recommended.

3 thoughts on “The Autobiography of God – Lenaa Kumar – Book Review

  1. Most people have vicissitudes in their lives and suffer silently. It is only a very few celebrities who dare to write their autobiographies truly and factually the good and adverse events that happened and how they overcame them.

    Your good review of Lena kumar’s book induces me to get a copy for it available on kindle version?

  2. What am I? Who am I? Where am I? When am I? Why am I?

    Can you answer these questions to your own satisfaction? If the answer is not a definite ‘Yes’, dive right into The Autobiography of God.

    Presentation of the book goes like this in one review. Your good review tempted me more and I am will get the book this week. One interested in reading spiritual books and her personal experiences in this book will satisfy my thirst shortly. Thanks a lot for recomending this book.

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